As SIRS’ Board of Directors, we believe that life is a journey to be enjoyed to its fullest. The events and challenges we encounter throughout create the fabric of our lives. Life is about the people we meet, the relationships we establish, the lessons learned, and those we touch without ever knowing. We believe all individuals, regardless of disability, should have the opportunity to experience the entire journey, one with risks, failures, successes, joy, sadness, new relationships, broken relationships, first jobs, first homes, and CHOICES. Join us in SIRS’ journey and the journeys of so many served. Please click on the links below to meet SIRS’ Board of Directors.
Warrick County Board Members:
Alissa Enright - Vice Chairman
Michelle Mason
Tabitha Heilman
Joanna Peak-Wilson
Dubois County Board Members:
Jackie Mehling – Secretary
Dennis Tedrow - Board Chairman
Perry County Board Members:
Madelynn Steen
Jason Martin
Spencer County Board Members:
Maddie Fella
Rachel Purviance
Vanderburgh County Board Members:
Jasmine Mouncil
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